Download War Thunder for Linux ⬇️ Install War Thunder Game on Linux for Free

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The experience of playing War Thunder on Linux is truly remarkable and hassle-free, given that it supports a wide variety of Linux OS. Whether you prefer Ubuntu, Fedora, or any other distros, the efficiency and performance of the game remains consistent.

Guide to Install War Thunder on Different Linux OS

In order to enjoy the intense aerial, naval, and armored combat on Linux, you need to install War Thunder on Linux. Let's delve into the step-by-step guide:

  • Initial Setup

    Firstly, it's crucial to update your Linux OS and ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements for the game to run smoothly.

  • Downloading the Game

    Once your system is ready, the next thing is to download War Thunder for Linux. The game offers a direct downloadable link for Linux users.

  • Installation Process

    After downloading the .tar file, extract it to get the setup file. Run this file to start the installation. Follow the prompts accordingly, and soon, the game will be successfully installed.

  • Launching and Playing

    After the installation, all that remains is to play War Thunder on Linux. Just find the War Thunder icon, click on it, and you're all set to dive into the battlefield.

Guidelines for Ubuntu Users

For Ubuntu users who are wondering where to find War Thunder for Linux to download, an alternative route can be found. On Ubuntu, you have the option to execute a simple line of terminal commands to download the game's .deb file directly.

Step-by-step Guide to Install on Ubuntu

If you're an Ubuntu user, let's take you through the detailed process to install War Thunder on Ubuntu with the .deb file.

Step Instructions
1. First, download the .deb package from the official game resources.
2. Open Terminal and navigate to the directory where the .deb file is downloaded.
3. Use the dpkg package manager with sudo rights to install the .deb file.
4. After the installation finishes, you can now enjoy War Thunder on Ubuntu.

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